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Letters to the Editor are one of the most important ways to reach several thousand people.  There is no cost involved and the time required is very little.  You don't have to be "a writer" but simply share why you support Dan Griffey.  Commiting to only one letter between now and mid-October (when ballots drop), could easily sway some votes!  Included below are links to media outlets.  Write your letter, then copy and paste it to the following outlets:


Please put "Citizen Editorial" in the subject line when sending in editorial.


Mason Web TV


Mason County Journal (online form)


Kitsap Sun


The Olympian (online form)



Writing a letter to the editor on a topic you are passionate about can be a release, yet always remember being respectful can go a long way to supporting your cause. You can reference why you feel Dan Griffey would be the best candidate to address that issue.  


I find the most productive way to write is just start doing it without concern of wording, grammar or spelling. Just get your thoughts out as quickly as they come to you.  Then go back and reword and check grammar. If you are like me your writing becomes like your baby, and it takes the input/editing of an unbiased party to finish it off. It is fun!!


~ Lorilyn Rogers

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